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“Company hacked via supplier! Software vulnerable due to vulnerable library! Deliveries delayed by hacked supplier! Data on the street due to incorrect configuration at marketing company.”

We are increasingly confronted with risks introduced by the suppliers we use. And that realization is becoming more and more common among large companies. They are gradually seeing smaller suppliers as their most important cyber risks. In addition, a tsunami of legislation is coming our way that obliges large and critical companies to identify and control the risks they run through their suppliers.

The main consequence is that it will become increasingly difficult to gain the trust of your customers. Trust that the first ransomware attack won’t force you to stop your activities for weeks, and trust that their data is safe in your hands.

Patrick Coomans is the author of, and lets you take a critical look at your own company through the eyes of the risk manager of your most important customers. From that perspective, misconceptions and concrete steps are also discussed to significantly boost your cyber resilience, and therefore also the confidence that you radiate.

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